The car loan rate you get has a significant impact on how much your monthly payments will cost, and you’ll want to find the lowest one possible for your situation. Choosing the right lender can save you thousands of dollars in interest charges over the life of your loan. A good place to start is by comparing offers from several lenders online.
Auto loan rates are based on a variety of factors, including the federal funds rate (the interest rate financial institutions charge one another for overnight borrowing) and your credit score and history. Your debt-to-income ratio (the amount of your monthly income that goes toward paying off your debt obligations) is also taken into consideration. A lower DTI ratio will typically qualify you for a better interest rate.
You’ll also be asked about the type of car you’re considering buying, as some lenders may not finance older cars or exotic vehicles. Lastly, your credit report and history will be examined to determine how much risk you pose as a borrower. The better your credit, the more competitive you’ll be when it comes to securing a car loan with low interest rates.
Choosing the Right Car Loan Rate
The average interest rate for an auto loan was 4.96% in the first quarter of 2021, according to Experian. However, car loan rates are highly personalized, and you’ll find that each lender has a different starting rate. You can use an online calculator to get a rough idea of what your potential interest rate will be, but you’ll still want to compare offers from multiple lenders before making any decisions.
Many lenders offer competitive auto loan rates, and some offer lower ones to borrowers with poor credit. These loans are often called subprime or nonprime, and you’ll likely need to shop around for the best one for your situation.
In addition to comparing rates, you should also consider the length of your loan term. Lenders typically charge higher APRs for longer term loans, which is why you’ll want to choose a shorter term if possible.
Auto loan rates are advertised by annual percentage rates (APRs), which include both your interest rate and any fees or other costs associated with the loan. You can check the rates offered by various lenders using a comparison tool, such as myAutoloan, which allows you to input your information to instantly receive offers from multiple lenders.
MyAutoloan also provides an easy-to-understand breakdown of the rates you’re being offered, with the specific terms clearly listed in a side-by-side format. You should also try to find a lender that offers a preapproval process, which gives you an idea of how much credit you’ll be approved for before you head to the dealership. This can help you avoid unpleasant surprises later on, when it’s time to finalize your loan details. This is especially important if you’re shopping for a used vehicle.